Let’s chat with Nicolle

Why do you love the wedding industry?

What is there not to love!

A wedding is not just planning another event, it truly is one of the most important days of our lives and that is an incredibly moving thing to be a part of for our couples! It is always a happy, exciting & emotional rollercoaster and I love that we have the opportunity to support our couples through this chapter of life.

Working in this industry, I feel like I am surrounded by other super talented individuals or businesses – both big & small, all striving to offer the best service & products to exceed their couples expectations, always staying one step ahead. We all get behind one another and support each other to be better and I just love that!

Fun facts about me!

  • My husband Ryan & I have been married for 3 years – he is my rock in every aspect of life.

  • We have a beautiful 20 month old girl, Luca. She is our absolute world! Come April, she’ll be joined by TWO little bro’s – yes, I am currently the size of a house cooking 2 babes at once.

  • I am the middle sibling of 3 girls – my sisters & my parents are by far my best pals & support crew

  • NEVER did I think I would become a wedding planner or a part of this incredible industry – growing up I wanted to be a police officer!

  • I used to water-ski competitively for New Zealand.. some years ago 😊

  • I am a total workaholic – always have been, it seems to be embedded in me! I struggle to read a book or sit down and watch a show, totally an active relaxer

Did you find it hard planning your own wedding as a planner!?

I often get asked this question – the answer is, no! Over the years I have created relationships with super talented and reliable suppliers in the industry.

I knew by choosing these suppliers, I’d be able to relax and enjoy our day as every other couple do without worrying about a thing.

Here’s a few snaps from Ryan and I’s wedding…

What do you do outside of The Wedding Collab?

  • I am a busy Mumma 😊

  • I think about what I should be doing for The Wedding Collab

  • Spending time with friends and family of course! How gorgeous are the photos below by Erica Kurth Photography!? 

  • Help my husband renovate our house…. Correction I try to help 

  • I have parked netball for now, but I LOVE playing netball and have played pretty much until I fell pregnant with Luca.

  • I love being on the water, whether it be sitting by it, in it, on it, looking at it – it brings me so much peace.

What is your advice to couples currently planning their wedding?

My biggest peace of advice to couples (after having gone through the process myself!), is to choose suppliers that you know you can trust will come through on your day – if you have doubt, keep looking, there are so many talented, efficient and reliable creatives out there that would LOVE to work with you!

How do you plan on managing The Wedding Collab with twins coming and a toddler!?

Ask me in 6 months… HAHA

No, of course, with any business comes planning – whilst we certainly did not plan for twins, we did plan on hopefully growing our family and with the extension of the incredible Stacey in our team, extensive strategies and processes in place, we know that all of our couples and our venues are in the hands of excellence. We are wedding planners of course so planning for anything out of the blue comes second nature to us.

Children or no children.. my workaholic brain will continue in full-force thinking about what is happening and what is next for us at The Wedding Collab.

Nicolle xoxo


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